Jibesh Sitikhu


183 Articles2 Comments

Six tips for developing successful strategic partnerships

Knowing how to join forces with another business is a key factor in making any growing company successful. A strategic partner can provide you with capital, or let you leverage their brand to give you more exposure. They could help…

What to Choose: Facebook or LinkedIn?

“What to Choose: Facebook or LinkedIn?” is the topic that will help to choose Facebook or LinkedIn. Which one will you prefer to use, Facebook or LinkedIn? For what purpose are you going to use it? Giving the answer for…

Most Essential Insights About Innovation

Innovation, what is innovation? Is innovation really difficult? How does it take place? Do all have innovation power?Innovation in simple meaning, is a process of introducing new device  or process resulting from the study and experimentation. Innovation is really difficult.…

The Differences Between Successful People and Unsuccessful People

The Differences Between Successful People and Unsuccessful People What is success? Is it wealth? Is it good health or satisfaction or happiness? As a result of the thoughts and views of many experts and philosophers, the word ‘success’ has received…

Bruce Lee

Biography of Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (Lee Hsiao Lung) was born in San Francisco in November 1940. He was the son of a famous Chinese opera singer. Bruce moved to Hong Kong and became a child star in the growing…

SLC Model Question Set 4 (Accountancy)

SLC Model Question Set 4 (Accountancy) Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. Group ‘A’ A. Answer the following questions in one sentence.                 5*1=5 1. What is the full form of AGF. 2.…

Computer Graphics (BIM) Set 2

BIM/Fifth Semester/ITC 221: Computer Graphics Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Group ‘A’ 1. Brief Answer Questions: 10×1=10 a) What do you mean by refresh rates? b) How many k bytes…

Computer Science (BIM) Set 1

BIM/Fifth Semester/ITC 221: Computer Science Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Group ‘A’ 1. Brief Answer Questions: 10×1=10 a) What do you mean by aspect ratio? b) If a image has…

SLC Model Question Set 7 (Optional Population Education)

Optional Population Education Group ‘A’ Attempt any 16 questions from this group. 16×5=80 1. If educated women are in the family, quality of life will be improved. Justify it. 2. What are the purposes of marriage? Write any five. 3.…

SLC Model Question Set 6 (Optional Population Education)

Optional Population Education Group ‘A’ Attempt any 16 questions from this group. 16×5=80 1. Clarify the concept of family life and explain its importance. 2. Distinguish between pull and push factors of migration and explain them with suitable examples. 3.…