Optional Population Education
SLC Board Question 2066 (2010)
Group ‘A’
Attempt any 16 questions from this group. 16×5=80
1. Define family life education. In how many types is family divided? Mention.
2. Discuss any five advantages of the record on family expenditure statement.
3. Clarify the necessity of Gender Equity in Nepal.
4. How can you help for the change against social evils that arise in marriage? Give your opinion.
5. Distinguish between:
- Punishable Marriage and Voidable Marriage
- Widow Marriage and Marriage by Performance
6. Clarify the marriage concept with any five statements.
7. Why do an employed and rich people also try to migrate in foreign country? Mention any five points.
8. Describe the types of migration.
9. Write five bad impacts on migrated place that is caused by migration.
10. Clarify any five facts of Gender concept.
11. What sort of education should be provided to the woman for the improvement in safe motherhood? Mention any five points.
12. Why most of the women are still compelled to unsafe abortion? Give reasons.
13. Describe the conditions during conception and pregnancy.
14. Name the permanent family planning devices and explain any one of them in detail.
15. Why do people think it necessary to have family planning? Write major reasons.
16. Write short notes on:
- Macro nutrient
- Controlling measures of Rickets
17. Suppose an eye specialist is invited to your class, what will be your questions for him/her? Create any five questions.
18. What sort of techniques will you apply to raise positive thinking based on social norms, values and attitude for proper balance of population growth?
19. What are the impacts of religious beliefs on population growth? Describe.
20. How does women education bring changes in family status? Give your opinions.
Group ‘B’
Attempt any two questions: 10×2=20
21. What will be your role in a family for the participation of male and female? Also illustrate their benefits.
22. What is Anemia? Write down causes, symptoms and preventive measures of this disease.
23. What are the three main functions of nutrients and how is nutrient classified by chemical compositions? Describe with examples.