SLC Model Question Set 4 (EPH)
Health, Environment and Population
Class: 10 Time: 2:15 hours F.M.: 75
Subject: EPH Level: Secondary P.M.: 30
Group ‘A’
Write very short answers to the following questions: 10×1=10
1. What is the annual population growth rate of our country according to the census of 2011 A.D.?
2. How do you calculate density of population?
3. Write any one base of quality of life.
4. What altitude snow line is fixed in western Nepal?
5. Write a measure to mitigate the adverse effects on the ecosystem of Terai region.
6. How many species of mammals are found in Nepal?
7. Write any one importance of biodiversity.
8. Define urbanization.
9. Name the virus which causes cholera?
10. When was Nepal Heart Foundation established?
Group ‘B’
Write short answers to any thirteen of the following questions: 13×5=65
11. What is demography? Describe in brief the size of population and population growth rate of our country.
12. If the Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate and Net Migration Rate of the country is 50, 30 and 40 respectively in 2010 A. D., calculate Population Growth Rate.
13. List and describe the social factors affecting birth.
14. “Quality of life depends on satisfaction which is different according to geographical region and the way of living style.” Clarify it.
15. Describe in brief the ecosystem of hilly region.
16. What are the major activities conducted on environment conservation?
17. “Nepal is very rich in biodiversity.” Justify the statement.
18. Write short notes on any two:
a) Red panda
b) Asiatic rock python
c) Ex-situ conservation
19. Show the inter-relationship of population, environment and development with appropriate chart.
20. What is sustainable development? Explain any three importance of it.
21. Differentiate between syphilis and gonorrhea.
22. Give an introduction to Rickets and write down any four symptoms of it.
23. What is balanced diet? Write down the methods of preserving nutrients.
24. Describe the major health problems of Nepal.
25. What is meant by curative health service? What are the services provided by hospitals in Nepal?