After facing high criticism for including the false academic qualification of the degree in the bio-data, Yahoo! Chief Executive Officer Scott Thompson finally had to resign from his post.
Along with his resignation, Rush Levinson has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo! Inc., whose central office is in California, United States of America. On the other hand, a shareholder of Yahoo! Inc., Daniel Loib, who gave high promotion of this scandal in media has now finally cooled down. Now, he has been appointed as the Director of Yahoo! Inc. Likewise, a new Board Chairman has also been appointed by Yahoo! Inc. and the process of appointing more directors has been started. |
Yahoo! has cleared that its Ex-CEO Scott Thompson hasn’t got the academic qualification that is written in his bio data. He was appointed as CEO in January, 2012 A.D. But, during his working reign, Scott brought many new changes in Yahoo! which helped Yahoo! to minimize the expenditures and uplift its economic stature.
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This is a great post, thanks!