SLC Model Question Set 6 (EPH)
Group ‘A’
Very short answer questions: 10×1=10
1. What is population?
2. Which is the main reason of less effect of modernization activities on mountain region?
3. Name the rare bird found in Nepal.
4. In which geographical region does Ruru Chhetra lie?
5. What is the minimum bed capacity for district hospital in Nepal?
6. Write the formula of population doubling time.
7. In which part of the body the human papiloma virus causes cancer?
8. Write any one criteria of quality of life.
9. What is the full form of DOTS?
10. Under whose responsibility does the construction of public latrine fall?
Group ‘B’
Short answer questions: (Any 13 questions only) 13×5=65
11. What is population density? Why is the density of central development region higher than other region? Give reasons.
12. List down the biological factors affecting birth and explain any two of them.
13. Suppose the population of a city was 40,000 in a particular area. But in the same year, 700 people went outside and 900 people migrated to the same year in the same place. Now find out the gross migration rate of the given place in the same year.
14. Mention any five effects to uplift the quality of life.
15. “Forest of Nepal is destroyed due to unwise human activities.” Write any five mitigating measures to protect it.
16. Why is it necessary to conserve biodiversity? Provide any five reasons.
17. How can we manage the industrial development in Terai region? Mention any five ways.
18. Write short notes on:
- One-horned rhinoceros
- Yarshagumba
19. Write in short the adverse effects of unplanned urbanization on human and environment.
20. What is sustainable development? Mention any four importance of sustainable development.
21. In which type of disease there is possibility of dehydration? Write any four symptoms.
22. Why do young people involved in drug abuse? Write any four measures to prevent drug abuse.
23. What is community health? Write any three importance of it.
24. “Balanced diet can be obtained through local level and cheap foods.” How?
25. What are the major health problems of Nepal? What would be your role in solving these health problems?