Famous bookmarking and social networking site Twitter has now altogethter 14 crore users all over the globe. According to the statistics published by Twitter, it is found that these users post 34 crore tweets everyday. On the other hand, Facebook has altogether 90 crore users and Google Plus has 17 crore users till date.
After this, United Kingdom has became the fourth country to have the highest number of Twitter users. United Kingdom is the country having high number of Twitter users after United States of America, Brazil and Japan. It is found that 9 crore people of United Kingdom use Twitter in their day to day life. It is also found that 80% of Twitter users of United Kingdom use Twitter through Mobile Phones. |
In order to attract more users to Twitter, Twitter has brought new plans to add more features so that it can compete with sites like Facebook and Google Plus. Now Twitter will send emails about the Best Tweet of the Week to its all users. Likewise, it will also share the information about such tweets which must be read once.