SLC Model Question Set 3 (HPE)
Class: 10 Time: 2:15 hours F.M.: 75
Subject: HPE Level: Secondary P.M.: 30
Group ‘A’
Write very short answers to the following questions: 10×1=10
1. What is the total population of our country according to the census of 2011 A.D.?
2. What is the artificial factor of population change?
3. What is gender equality? Write in one sentence.
4. Which aspect of ecosystem is represented by land topography and climate?
5. What percentage of land is covered by Hilly region?
6. Write any two plants which are considered rare in Nepal.
7. What is meant by Ex-situ conservation?
8. Write any one importance of sustainable development.
9. Name the disease which is responsible for greater number of deaths of children in Nepal.
10. What is the full form of DOTS?
Group ‘B’
Write short answers to any thirteen of the following questions: 13×5=65
11. Describe the trend of population growth in Nepal by analyzing the past and present size of population.
12. The total number of women in a place be 160,000 in a year. In the same year, the number of women of age group (15 – 49) was 90,000. If there were altogether 4,000 live births in that year, calculate GFR.
13. List and describe the psychological factors affecting birth.
14. “Quality of life means the degree of satisfaction of the various aspects of human needs.” Explain in brief.
15. Explain in brief the ecosystem of Terai region.
16. “Effects on the ecosystem are found less in Mountain region.” Give reason.
17. What is biodiversity? Mention any five importance of it.
18. Write short notes on:
a) Yarshagumba b. Clouded leopard
19. Explain the inter-relationship of population, environment and development.
20. What is sustainable development? Explain any three principles of it.
21. Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.
22. What is malnutrition? Write about Marasmus disease with its symptoms and preventive measures.
23. What is alcoholism? Write the preventive measures of alcoholism.
24. What is community health? Write down its four importance of community health.
25. Discuss the role of individuals in solving major health problems in Nepal.
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