SLC Model Question Set 5 Social Studies
Attempt all the questions.
Group ‘A’
Write very short answers to the following questions: 8×1=8
1. Name the least developed development region of Nepal. Suggest the best project to be launched in that development region.
2. Write one main function of AATWIN.
3. A substantial number of ballot papers get invalid in our country. Give one of the major reasons.
4. Most of the trees found in the tropical monsoon region shed their leaves during winter season. Give reason.
5. Why is the Savanna region called the zoo of the world?
6. Which index (symbols) are used to denote the following facts in the map?
- River
- Lake
7. Who was Bhimdatta Panta? Why was he declared a terrorist?
8. What is Marshall Plan?
Group ‘B’
Write short answers to the following questions: 14×4=56
9. Write any four power and functions of the federal government and the state government.
10. “The central Development Region is the most developed development region of Nepal.” Justify the statement with four concrete reasons.
11. Identify the given figure. Write any three ways to produce it.
12. Present the given gender related data in a suitable bar diagram.
S.No. | Description | Male % | Female % |
1. | Civil service | 87.3 | 12.7 |
2. | Teacher | 86.3 | 13.7 |
3. | Legal service | 95.03 | 4.97 |
4. | T.U. enrollment | 75.1 | 23.9 |
13. Write the names of any four folk or classical dances and explain any two of them.
14. Who were Helen Keller and Stephen Hawking? What lessons can we get from these figures? Write in short.
15. What is dowry system? What are its evil aspects? Give one way to control it.
16. Suppose one of your class friends requests you to take drugs only once. What will be your response? Write in a paragraph.
17. When did the constituent Assembly that was formed after the election of CA in 2064 B.S. get dissolved? Write any three major causes behind its failure.
18. “North America has diversity in its land topography.” Justify the statement.
19. Show the following historical events in a suitable timeline.
Date | Events |
2007 | Advent of democracy |
2015 | First general election |
2036 | Declaration of national referendum |
2046 | Restoration of multiparty system |
20. “Leave nothing but foot prints, taking nothing but photos.” Justify the statement and explain what things a tourist should take and what he or she should leave.
21. Name the organs of the United Nations Organization and describe any one of them.
22. There might be a problem that the UN agencies can solve in your community. Draft an application to be sent to the UN Nepal office asking for the necessary help.
Group ‘C’
Write long answers to the following questions: 4×9=36
23. What is an election? List out the roles of the citizens during, before and after the election.
24. Draw a full page map of Nepal and insert the following facts in it.
Lake Tilicho, Api Himal, the Kaligandaki River, The B.P. Highway, Pathivara, the jute production area
Insert the following facts in the given map of North America.
Hudson Bay, Mt. Mc Kinley, New York city, the Niagara Falls, Huron Lake, Gulf of Mexico, area where Rainfall occurs only in the winter season, River Mississippi, North Atlantic Ocean
25. Explain the causes and consequences of the Second World War.
You might have visited historical, religious or cultural place on an educational excursion. Prepare an informative report under the following sub-headings.
- Place and title of the study
- Objectives of the study
- Method of the study
- Findings
- Conclusion and Recommendation
26. Mention five points each on the positive and negative effects of tourism industry in our society and describe any two of them on both sides.