The Current Industrial Policy of the Government of Nepal

Industrial Policy of the Government The tenth plan had set the goal and objectives of increasing the contribution of industry to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), through an increase and expansion in industrial production by encouraging and promoting the private…

Effects of Industrial Development Work on the Environment

Agriculture plays a vital role in the economic and social development of the country. Therefore, agricultural development is necessary in our country. But agricultural development alone cannot bring the required development. Industrial development, too, is as indispensable as agricultural development.…

Importance of Industry

Industry is run with the use of natural resources like minerals, forest products etc. Agriculture sector also supplies raw materials for industries. In fact, industry, human beings and environment are interrelated with one another. Importance of Industry The importance of…

Industrial Development

Industrial development is the most reliable mode of development for developing countries like Nepal. It can simply be defined as the act of establishing and running an industry so as to provide services as well as to earn profit and…