Population In statistical investigation, the investigator usually deals with the general magnitude and the study of variation with respect to one or more characteristics relating to individual belonging to a group. The group of individuals under study is called population…
Introduction to Sampling
Sampling Sampling is defined as the selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of which an inference is made on the aggregate or totality. It is the technique of selecting a number of units for…
Food and Water Borne Diseases
The word ‘disease’ is a combination of two different words i.e., ‘dis’ and ‘ease’. So, the word ‘disease’ refers to ‘lack of ease (health)’. Disease is also defined as a condition of body in which its functions are disturbed. Diseases…
Application of Sustainable Development
It is absolutely necessary to apply the principles of sustainable development to different developmental activities. Natural resources and other means are less used for temporary development works. Such regular activities spoil the environment. Growth of inequality in the society brings…
Importance of Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is necessary for the maintenance of the environment. The purpose of development work is people’s welfare. The target of development work is never achieved effectively if the adverse effects that are produced while carrying on the work, are…
Effects of Industrial Development Work on the Environment
Agriculture plays a vital role in the economic and social development of the country. Therefore, agricultural development is necessary in our country. But agricultural development alone cannot bring the required development. Industrial development, too, is as indispensable as agricultural development.…
Importance of Industry
Industry is run with the use of natural resources like minerals, forest products etc. Agriculture sector also supplies raw materials for industries. In fact, industry, human beings and environment are interrelated with one another. Importance of Industry The importance of…
Industrial Development
Industrial development is the most reliable mode of development for developing countries like Nepal. It can simply be defined as the act of establishing and running an industry so as to provide services as well as to earn profit and…
Urbanization: An Important but Risky Process
In this modern age, the process of urbanization is also growing along with the process of industrial development. Urbanization can simply be defined as the act of establishing urban areas by substituting the rural areas. A country can be divided…
Concept of Sustainable Development
United Nations General Assembly formed a World Commission on Environment and Development under the chairmanship of Norwegian Prime Minister Grow Harlem Brundtland to suggest the world on Environment and Development in 1983. The commission is called “Brundtland Commission”. The Commission…