Kathmandu: Finance Minister Janardan Sharma recently has instructed the Governor by telephone to ease the situation in the capital market. On Monday, Finance Minister Sharma had a telephone conversation with Governor Maha Prasad Adhikari and instructed him to ease the…
Surya Life Insurance’s 40% right shares await SEBON’s approval
Surya Life Insurance Company Limited (SLICL) has decided to issue 10:4 (40%) right share to its shareholders in the coming days. The company has already initiated the procedure by adding its request in the SEBON pipeline for approval of the…
IPO shares of Unnati Microfinance closing today
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Unnati Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Limited (UNNATI) is closing today, i.e. on 25 Poush, 2074, after four days of its opening. Altogether 165 thousand units of shares of worth Rs. 1.65 crore were announced by…
13.52% Bonus Shares for FPO announced by Premier Insurance
Premier Insurance Company Limited (PIC), a company that was incorporated on May 12, 1994 A.D., has decided to provide dividend to its shareholders. The notice published in Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Poush 25, 2074 B.S. states that 13.52% of…
NEPSE index increases by 7.97 points
On the first day of the week, impressive progress has been seen in the NEPSE index. Today, the NEPSE index increased by 7.97 points and reached 1431.80 points. Likewise, the sensitive index increased by 1.73 points to reach 301.39 points.…