Premier Insurance Company Limited (PIC), a company that was incorporated on May 12, 1994 A.D., has decided to provide dividend to its shareholders.
The notice published in Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on Poush 25, 2074 B.S. states that 13.52% of bonus shares and 36.59 lakh rupees of cash dividend (for tax) was announced by the board meeting of the company that was conducted on Poush 24, 2074. The announced bonus shares and cash dividend are to be distributed from the net profit that the company made in the fiscal year 2073/74. The distribution is in line with the company’s financial performance and aims to reward the shareholders for their continued investment and trust in the company.
However, this decision hasn’t been approved yet by the concerned authority, hence, it is to be decided by the concerned authority and the upcoming annual general meeting (AGM) of the company. The approval from the concerned authority is required to finalize the distribution plan. Once approved, the company will proceed with the implementation of the bonus shares and cash dividend for the benefit of its shareholders.
From Rs. 51.44 crore, the paid-up capital of Premier Insurance Company Limited will be reaching Rs. 58.41 crore after the allocation of the bonus shares that has been announced.
The last trading price (LTP) of the company stands at 1,484 rupees. Traders can monitor and execute buy or sell orders based on this price using XTB Platform, which provides real-time market data and trading tools for investors.